O annwyl gartref nefol
O anwyl gartre' nefol

For thee O dear dear country

1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8;  1,2,3,4,9,10.
(Y Jerwsalem fry - Rhan II)
O! anwyl gartre' nefol
  Jerusalem sy' fry!
Mae hiraeth ar fy nghalon
  Am wel'd dy gaerau di.

Myfyrio am d'ogoniant
  I'r fynwes ddyry hedd,
Iachâ y galon glwyfus,
  Gorchfyga nerth y bedd.

O! ddinas hardd y seintiau,
  O! drigfan engyl pur,
Lle byth ni theimlir angeu,
  Lle ni ddaw poen na chur.

O'th fewn yr Oen deyrnasa,
  Fu farw ar y groes:
Byth, byth y prynedigion,
  A ganant am ei loes.

Dy dŷrau sydd o Jaspis,
  Dy heol o aur pur:
Y Beryl a'r Sardonis,
  Ddysgleiriant ar dy fur.

Cydglymir dy ragfuriau,
  A'r werth fawr Amethyst;
Dy feini yw y seintiau,
  Dy gongl-faen yw Crist.

Mae ynot fôr diderfyn,
  A dydd heb fachlud haul:
Ffynnonell o wir gysur,
  I bererinion gwael.

Ar Graig yr oesoedd seilir,
  Dy d&373;r sancteiddiol di;
Ac ynot mae y palmwydd,
  A'r aur goronau cu.

O! anwyl wlad fendigaid!
  O! gartref teulu Duw!
Pob calon sy'n hiraethu
  Am ynot fyth gael byw;

O! dwg ni, Iesu grasol,
  I nefol wlad y gân,
I foli yn dragwywdd
  Y Drindod ddiwahân!
cyf. Hugh Hughes (Gethin) -1867
Hymnau Hen a Diweddar (Owen Jones)

Tonau [7676D]:
Aurelia (Samuel Sebastian Wesley 1810-76)
Munich (alaw Ellmynaidd)
Talyllyn (alaw Gymreig)

Tonau [7676]:
St Alphege (Henry J Gauntlett 1805-76)
Stuttgard (<1875)

  Rhan I - Byr amser sydd in' yma
  Amdanat wlad anwylaf
  Caersalem ddinas euraid
  Ierusalem oreurog
  O Sion ddinas euraidd

(The Jerusalem above - Part 2)
O beloved heavenly home
  Jerusalem which is above!
There is longing on my heart
  For seeing thy fortresses.

Meditating on thy glory
  To the bosom gives peace,
Heals the wounded heart,
  Overcomes the strength of the grave.

O beautiful city of the saints,
  O dwelling of pure angels,
Where death is never to be felt,
  Where come neither pain nor beating.

From within thee the Lamb reigns,
  Who died on the cross:
Forever, forever the redeemed,
  Shall sing about his anguish.

Thy doors are of Jasper,
  Thy street of pure gold:
The Beryl and the Sardonyx,
  Shine upon thy wall.

Thy ramparts are to be stuck together,
  With the precious Amethyst;
Thy stones are the saints,
  Thy corner-stone is Christ.

There is in thee an endless sea,
  And a day without the setting of sun:
A fount of true comfort,
  To lowly pilgrims.

On the Rock of the ages is to be built
  Thy sacred tower;
And in thee are the palm-trees,
  And the dear golden crowns.

O dear, blessed land!
  O home of the family of God!
Every heart is longing
  In thee forever to get to live.

O bring us, gracious Jesus,
  To the heavenly land of song,
To praise in eternity
  The undivided Trinity!
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion
For thee, O dear, dear country,
  Mine eyes their vigils keep;
For very love, beholding,
  Thy happy name, they weep:

The mention of thy glory
  Is unction to the breast,
And medicine in sickness,
  And love, and life, and rest.

O one, O only mansion!
  O paradise of joy!
Where tears are ever banished,
  And smiles have no alloy;

The cross is all thy splendour,
  The Crucified thy praise,
His laud and benediction
  Thy ransomed people raise.

O sweet and blessèd country,
  The home of God’s elect!
O sweet and blessèd country,
  That eager hearts expect!

Jesus, in mercy bring us
  To that dear land of rest,
Who art, with God the Father,
  And Spirit, ever blessed.
John Mason Neale 1818-66
from the Latin

Urbs Sion aurea
Bernard of Morlaix/Cluny

Tune [7676D]: Ewing (Alexander Ewing 1830-95)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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